Friday, September 14, 2012

"I do this for the money!....said no teacher ever."

Teachers Union is striking
they are choosing not to teach
many people are taking this fact
and misinterpreting what it means.
Media is media, no matter what the subject
So before you point fingers, be sure to get your facts checked
They're doing this for social justice
not at all for money, power, or fame
despite the hate, showing great patience
while the world chooses them to blame
claiming that they're selfish
and they don't deserve a dime
when the fight was never for money
but for the students, this whole time
it's a fight FOR education
not a fight against it
try to understand the union
then do your part to support it.
while other countries honor teachers
here, they are made a mockery
no wonder we excel in not math and science
but in incarceration and poverty
invest in the future of your country
support the people who actually care
the ones who mold minds and change hearts
and when smoke clears, will still be there.
they will still be there with open arms and smiling faces
because that's just what teachers do
its in their aqida to love their students
yes, YOUR teachers love YOU.
understand the conflict fully
before making blanket statements
support teachers and empower youth
and watch your country conquer greatness
By Nida Iftekaruddin

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